
Classes for writing whylogs output

Module Contents



Class for writing to disk


whylogs Writer class that can write to disk.


whylogs Writer class that can write to S3.


Class for writing to disk


Class for writing to disk


writer_from_config(config: whylogs.app.config.WriterConfig)

Construct a whylogs Writer from a WriterConfig





whylogs.app.writers.DEFAULT_PATH_TEMPLATE = $name/$session_id
whylogs.app.writers.DEFAULT_FILENAME_TEMPLATE = dataset_profile
class whylogs.app.writers.Writer(output_path: str, formats: List[str], path_template: Optional[str] = None, filename_template: Optional[str] = None, transport_params: Optional[whylogs.app.config.TransportParameterConfig] = None)

Bases: abc.ABC

Class for writing to disk

  • output_path (str) – Prefix of where to output files. A directory for type = ‘local’, or key prefix for type = ‘s3’

  • formats (list) – All output formats. See whylogs.app.config.ALL_SUPPORTED_FORMATS

  • path_template (str, optional) – Templatized path output using standard python string templates. Variables are accessed via $identifier or ${identifier}. See Writer.template_params() for a list of available identifers. Default = DEFAULT_PATH_TEMPLATE

  • filename_template (str, optional) – Templatized output filename using standardized python string templates. Variables are accessed via $identifier or ${identifier}. See Writer.template_params() for a list of available identifers. Default = DEFAULT_FILENAME_TEMPLATE

abstract write(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: str = None)

Abstract method to write a dataset profile to disk. Must be implemented

path_suffix(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile)

Generate a path string for an output path from a dataset profile by applying the path templating defined in self.path_template

file_name(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, file_extension: str, rotation_suffix: Optional[str] = None)

For a given DatasetProfile, generate an output filename based on the templating defined in self.filename_template

static template_params(profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile) dict

Return a dictionary of dataset profile metadata which can be used for generating templatized variables or paths.


profile (DatasetProfile) – The dataset profile


params – Variables which can be substituted into a template string.

Return type



Template params:

  • name: name of the dataset

  • session_timestamp: session time in UTC epoch milliseconds

  • dataset_timestamp: timestamp for the data in UTC epoch ms

  • session_id: Unique identifier for the session

class whylogs.app.writers.LocalWriter(output_path: str, formats: List[str], path_template: str, filename_template: str)

Bases: Writer

whylogs Writer class that can write to disk.

See Writer for a description of arguments

write(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: Optional[str] = None)

Write a dataset profile to disk

_do_write(self, profile, rotation_suffix: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)
_write_json(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: Optional[str] = None)

Write a JSON summary of the dataset profile to disk

_write_flat(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, indent: int = 4, rotation_suffix: Optional[str] = None)

Write output data for flat format

  • profile (DatasetProfile) – the dataset profile to output

  • indent (int) – The JSON indentation to use. Default is 4

_write_protobuf(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: Optional[str] = None)

Write a protobuf serialization of the DatasetProfile to disk

ensure_path(self, suffix: str, addition_part: Optional[str] = None) str

Ensure that a path exists, creating it if not

class whylogs.app.writers.S3Writer(output_path: str, formats: List[str], path_template: str = None, filename_template: str = None)

Bases: Writer

whylogs Writer class that can write to S3.

See Writer for a description of arguments

write(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: str = None)

Write a dataset profile to S3

_do_write(self, profile, rotation_suffix: str = None, **kwargs)
_write_json(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: Optional[str] = None, transport_params: Optional[dict] = None)

Write a dataset profile JSON summary to disk

_write_flat(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, indent: int = 4, rotation_suffix: Optional[str] = None, transport_params: Optional[dict] = None)

Write output data for flat format

  • profile (DatasetProfile) – the dataset profile to output

  • indent (int) – The JSON indentation to use. Default is 4

_write_protobuf(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: Optional[str] = None, transport_params: Optional[dict] = None)

Write a datasetprofile protobuf serialization to S3

class whylogs.app.writers.MlFlowWriter(output_path: str, formats: List[str], path_template: str = None, filename_template: str = None)

Bases: Writer

Class for writing to disk

  • output_path (str) – Prefix of where to output files. A directory for type = ‘local’, or key prefix for type = ‘s3’

  • formats (list) – All output formats. See whylogs.app.config.ALL_SUPPORTED_FORMATS

  • path_template (str, optional) – Templatized path output using standard python string templates. Variables are accessed via $identifier or ${identifier}. See Writer.template_params() for a list of available identifers. Default = DEFAULT_PATH_TEMPLATE

  • filename_template (str, optional) – Templatized output filename using standardized python string templates. Variables are accessed via $identifier or ${identifier}. See Writer.template_params() for a list of available identifers. Default = DEFAULT_FILENAME_TEMPLATE

write(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: str = None)

Write a dataset profile to MLFlow path

static _write_protobuf(profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: str = None, **kwargs)

Write a protobuf the dataset profile to disk in binary format to MlFlow

class whylogs.app.writers.WhyLabsWriter(output_path='', formats=None)

Bases: Writer

Class for writing to disk

  • output_path (str) – Prefix of where to output files. A directory for type = ‘local’, or key prefix for type = ‘s3’

  • formats (list) – All output formats. See whylogs.app.config.ALL_SUPPORTED_FORMATS

  • path_template (str, optional) – Templatized path output using standard python string templates. Variables are accessed via $identifier or ${identifier}. See Writer.template_params() for a list of available identifers. Default = DEFAULT_PATH_TEMPLATE

  • filename_template (str, optional) – Templatized output filename using standardized python string templates. Variables are accessed via $identifier or ${identifier}. See Writer.template_params() for a list of available identifers. Default = DEFAULT_FILENAME_TEMPLATE

write(self, profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: str = None)

Write a dataset profile to WhyLabs

static _write_protobuf(profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile)

Write a protobuf profile to WhyLabs

whylogs.app.writers.writer_from_config(config: whylogs.app.config.WriterConfig)

Construct a whylogs Writer from a WriterConfig


writer – whylogs writer

Return type
